Saturday, November 1, 2008

Design for the site

Customer: Grigoriy [Lukin] (lgregory)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 520 USD is necessary designer for the work on the project. [Otpisyvaytes] in the project, I will for long select designer for a constant work, [otpisyvaytes] those who it works only by 100% of payment for the fulfillment of work, [predoplaty] I I do not give. Work will be in the design much in the style Web 2.0, not to write, [otpishus] is itself into [asku], it is possible in [PM] but only with contact data, the first work will be to *** of rubles.http: / / / projects / 79469.html

To make a button of 88[kh]31

Customer: [Aksakov] Yuri (yurec21)
Category: Banners, are other
Budget: 2 USD it is necessary to now create the button of 88[kh]31 in .gif size. Thematics is entertaining site. Must be beautiful and bright button. For the site www.irisko.ruhttp: / / / projects / 79445.html

To draw a series of [ikonok] for the site

Customer: Alexander [Rozumenko] (itartweb)
Category: Pixel -[art]/Of [ikonki], the design of the sites
Budget: ? It is necessary to draw a series of [ikonok] for the site of [astrologicheskoy] thematics (eastern and western astrology)http: / / / projects / 79413.html

The picture of the turned over pages is necessary

Customer: RU of Ulyan (Jouly)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? For the small project is necessary the headpiece with the effect of the [perevorichivayushchikhsya] pages (as in [mulfilme] Of [vovka] in the [tridevyatom] reign). I want to obtain this http: // with the more decent content. There are some nuances (insignificant), I will discuss them directly with the executor. Write price, period - week -two.http: / / / projects / 79422.html

It is necessary to draw again the photograph

Customer: [Shershneva] Natalia (avtokurgan)
Category: Figures/of the illustration
Budget: ? It is necessary to draw again the photograph in the form of illustration, it is desirable in [korele]. Your proposals on the price and the periodshttp: / / / projects / 79407.html

Are necessary unique articles for the site

Customer: [Batukhtin] Roman (levani)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are necessary subject unique articles for the site, dedicated to advertisement Here are the divisions of site itself (strictly on them and they are necessary article): [Brending] BTL CRM [Kreativ] Internet- advertisement external advertisement [Mediaplanirovanie] printed advertisement TV- advertisement tele-marketing PR design articles themselves they will be checked against the uniqueness personally by me. I wait proposals on the cost and the periods.http: / / / projects / 79423.html

Mock-up of the morning coats

Customer: AL love (lyubov_Al)
Category: Polygraphy, the design of the production
Budget: ? It is necessary for two companies of general thematics to draw - on the basis the design of their sites (to take from there entire picture, colors) - mock-up for the morning coats and other production (firm style) for example, [kalendariki], posters which there can be the cost of project?http: / / / projects / 79458.html

Mock-up of the morning coats

Customer: AL love (lyubov_Al)
Category: Polygraphy, the design of the production
Budget: ? It is necessary for two companies of general thematics to draw - on the basis the design of their sites (to take from there entire picture, colors) - mock-up for the morning coats and other production (firm style) for example, [kalendariki], posters which there can be the cost of project?http: / / / projects / 79458.html

To make a button of 88[kh]31

Customer: [Aksakov] Yuri (yurec21)
Category: Banners, are other
Budget: 2 USD it is necessary to now create the button of 88[kh]31 in .gif size. Thematics is entertaining site. Must be beautiful and bright button. For the site www.irisko.ruhttp: / / / projects / 79445.html

To create the copy of (design + of [programming])

Customer: [Gevak] Andrey (gevak)
Category: Web- programming, the design of the sites
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to create the copy of the site of design for the new site + functional constituting. Work is simple ([proffi] has this work will engage day - not more). Is compulsory the knowledge of ajax + of php + of java and the presence of designer. I will show the exemplary style of new site designer. To the new site it is planned to join some possibilities, which are not to, so that the knowledge of [programminga] IS COMPULSORY.http: / / / projects / 79440.html

Cap is the collage

Customer: [Sukharev] Maxim (cyxapeff)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary the cap for the site. In the essence collage with the inscriptions. I will grant pictures. It must harmonize with the template of http: // designs/3560/nonzero/(blue). The it is more rapid, the better. Your prices \ periods.http: / / / projects / 79428.html

It is necessary to draw again the photograph

Customer: [Shershneva] Natalia (avtokurgan)
Category: Figures/of the illustration
Budget: ? It is necessary to draw again the photograph in the form of illustration, it is desirable in [korele]. Your proposals on the price and the periodshttp: / / / projects / 79407.html

Logotype of [turagentstva

Customer: [B]a[tr]a[k] Sergey (trainer_ussr)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: 30 USD the development of the logotype of Moscow [turagentstva]. Task in accompanying [brife]. Three versions to the selection. Result after assertion must be transferred into the curves. Step by step payment through the [Yandeks]- money. 30% - preliminarily 30% - after the assertion of design 40% - after obtaining of file EPShttp: / / / projects / 79386.html

[redizayna] of the site

Customer: Che Of lev (lev812)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 250 USD is required the designer for [redizayna] of the site of mk-kadar.ruhttp: / / / projects / 79383.html

[Resayz] Flesch the banner

Customer: Solovyev Sergey (andby)
Category: Banners
Budget: ? Is a banner of fla of not very convenient size 500 to 150 of it necessary to make banners under the sizes of 468x60 of 200x80 of 120x120 of 120x240 of 240x400 of 120x600 period 1 dayhttp: / / / projects / 79374.html

Template for the site on the cursor Of

Customer: Asd Of jacob (ant123)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 30 USD are required to draw template for the site on the cursor it [bigstrit].http: / / / projects / 79354.html

PSD- mock-up, the Internet- store of sanitary engineering

Customer: Eugene (ipq)
Category: Design of sites, the Internet- stores
Budget: ? Background for the site and photograph for the cap are applied.http: / / / projects / 79361.html

The design is necessary

Customer: Antonov Nikolai (nikolai2008)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 50 USD is necessary the permanent designer, who will make constantly design in one style budget for the mock-up of 50 dollars without [predoplaty] after the details write in [lichkuhttp: / / / projects / 79363.html

Banner for the Internet- store

Customer: [Semeno] [A].[I] (eskadra)
Category: Banners
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop the gif- banner of 468[kh]60http: / / / projects / 79279.html

To draw the map of passage.

Customer: Di Maf (amid44)
Category: Firm style, the figures/of the illustration
Budget: ? There is actual chart area and there is that already schematically drawn. It is necessary to renew, to make somehow on [krasivshe].http: / / / projects / 79310.html

Creation of logotype for the metallurgical company.

Customer: To [nenadoznat] Cyril (ASMRND)
Category: Logotypes, the design of the sites
Budget: to 250 USD is required the creation of logotype for the high(ly)-technological company of that occupying by the production of small quantities of experimental alloys for the needs of such [khay] it flowed the segments of such industries as automobile, aerospace, [bioimplanty]. They are obtained in essence by means of the electronically beam remelting. in [attache] form as this occurs inside the camera but it is not worthwhile on this to be recycled. Briefly - [khay] flowed metals. the site of the forerunner of this company subsequently is necessary development by [vtselom] of the image of new company 1. of website (redesign of existing) 2. of logo 3. of fax of sheet of morning coat \ envelopes. the total budget thus far not of [opredelen] it is final, where that between 250 and 500 for the beginning.http: / / / projects / 79300.html

Logotype. Direction: [snoubording].

Customer: Fanamura (Fanamura)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: ? For the site SNBRD.RU it is necessary to draw logotype, it must be that memorizing, stylish. In other respects to you freedom. To 3500 rubles.http: / / / projects / 79342.html

Design of the site

Customer: [Faizov] Ruslan (Faizov)
Category: Design of sites, the figures/of the illustration
Budget: ? [Trebouetsya] designer for the work with the site. Light intelligible dis. min of screw dies the maximum of information. convenient navigation is reference to [portfolio]. to make that against similar http: // / / / projects / 79339.html

Template for the site on the cursor Of

Customer: Asd Of jacob (ant123)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 30 USD are required to draw template for the site on the cursor it [bigstrit].http: / / / projects / 79354.html

To draw design for the site Of mary Of kay

Customer: [Yakubin] Andrey (yakooobin) the category: Design of the sites
Budget: 50 USD to draw design for the site Of mary Of kayhttp: / / / projects / 79353.html

To draw the map of passage.

Customer: Di Maf (amid44)
Category: Firm style, the figures/of the illustration
Budget: ? There is actual chart area and there is that already schematically drawn. It is necessary to renew, to make somehow on [krasivshe].http: / / / projects / 79310.html

To make a vector version of the logotype

Customer: Incognito Vladimir (vovanblk)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: 5 USD it is necessary to make into Corel a logotype in the style Of web 2.0. (see the fastened file) come out must approximately the same (or better), but in the vector form.http: / / / projects / 79264.html

Creation of logotype for the metallurgical company.

Customer: To [nenadoznat] Cyril (ASMRND)
Category: Logotypes, the design of the sites
Budget: to 250 USD is required the creation of logotype for the high(ly)-technological company of that occupying by the production of small quantities of experimental alloys for the needs of such [khay] it flowed the segments of such industries as automobile, aerospace, [bioimplanty]. They are obtained in essence by means of the electronically beam remelting. in [attache] form as this occurs inside the camera but it is not worthwhile on this to be recycled. Briefly - [khay] flowed metals. the site of the forerunner of this company subsequently is necessary development by [vtselom] of the image of new company 1. of website (redesign of existing) 2. of logo 3. of fax of sheet of morning coat \ envelopes. the total budget thus far not of [opredelen] it is final, where that between 250 and 500 for the beginning.http: / / / projects / 79300.html

Logotype. Direction: [snoubording].

Customer: Fanamura (Fanamura)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: ? For the site SNBRD.RU it is necessary to draw logotype, it must be that memorizing, stylish. In other respects to you freedom. To 3500 rubles.http: / / / projects / 79342.html

Mock-up of the plastic bag

Customer: Seva (seva)
Category: Polygraphy
Budget: ? Is necessary the packet of plastic bag with cutting knobs 40 on 50 cm idea following, from two sides: - There are trucks in Moscow in which allegedly board to [prosvechivayutsya] and everything in the goods, in the bottles is inside evident that. Logic to [tazhe], we have the store of cell phones, I want on the packet as against the [zadlnem] background all in the cell phones a. or all in the boxes. v. or different models lie A in the foreground, allegedly was pulled out (it tore packet) our logotype + the telephone + OF ICQ + the slogan ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 79343.html

Main page

Customer: [Tokmakov] Dmitriy (f112)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 50 USD for the domain of to make the main page, similar to the main page as on the domain of the budget of *** of the dollarshttp: / / / projects / 79265.html

[Animirovannyy] flash the banner

Customer: PR (toFlash)
Category: Banners, Flash
Budget: 20 USD is required in a short time (today) to create dynamic [flesh] banner, graph there is, the prolonged possible collaboration, result - banner of the 2nd standard sizes + of [iskhodniki] (fla) sizes - 750[kh]150 and 600[kh]150http: / / / projects / 79334.html

Logotype of the firm

Customer: Alexander [Baydachnyy] (baidach)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to develop logotype all details personally OF ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 79329.html

Friday, October 31, 2008

To draw the map of passage.

Customer: Di Maf (amid44)
Category: Firm style, the figures/of the illustration
Budget: ? There is actual chart area and there is that already schematically drawn. It is necessary to renew, to make somehow on [krasivshe].http: / / / projects / 79310.html

Development of additions (2)

Customer: Maximov Dmitriy Sergeyevich (ks-fan)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is collected the command of [patchmeykerov] (people, which know how to work with the file system of game, to sketch and so forth) they are required: Person, who works with [BD] of game FIFA, [Kitmeyker] (persons, who makes forms), [Feysmeyker] (persons, who makes the persons), and man, which can create automatic [instalyatsiyu] of [patchey]. To sketch all is not separately must. [Beretsya] of [fotka] and with it already [vedetsya] work.http: / / / projects / 74587.html

To create 3[d] the model of the mark

Customer: [Malyshok] Aleksey (ororoshka)
Category: the 3d- graph
Budget: ? It is necessary to create 3[d] the model of mark, the file of.max (swing 8) texture for the relief of face I can retouch and grant at the output.http: / / / projects / 79301.html

Main page

Customer: [Tokmakov] Dmitriy (f112)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 50 USD for the domain of to make the main page, similar to the main page as on the domain of the budget of *** of the dollarshttp: / / / projects / 79265.html

To make a vector version of the logotype

Customer: Incognito Vladimir (vovanblk)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: 5 USD it is necessary to make into Corel a logotype in the style Of web 2.0. (see the fastened file) come out must approximately the same (or better), but in the vector form.http: / / / projects / 79264.html

Creation of logotype for the metallurgical company.

Customer: To [nenadoznat] Cyril (ASMRND)
Category: Logotypes, the design of the sites
Budget: to 250 USD is required the creation of logotype for the high(ly)-technological company of that occupying by the production of small quantities of experimental alloys for the needs of such [khay] it flowed the segments of such industries as automobile, aerospace, [bioimplanty]. They are obtained in essence by means of the electronically beam remelting. in [attache] form as this occurs inside the camera but it is not worthwhile on this to be recycled. Briefly - [khay] flowed metals. the site of the forerunner of this company subsequently is necessary development by [vtselom] of the image of new company 1. of website (redesign of existing) 2. of logo 3. of fax of sheet of morning coat \ envelopes. the total budget thus far not of [opredelen] it is final, where that between 250 and 500 for the beginning.http: / / / projects / 79300.html

The clearly drawn banner is required

Customer: Gorelkov Of olexiy (extrim1303)
Category: Banners
Budget: ? Is required clearly [naresovanyy] banner!http: / / / projects / 79250.html

The design of the site is necessary

Customer: Andreev Aleksey (sdelau-tochno)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary to make a design of site. All details with the conversation!http: / / / projects / 79287.html

To create 3[d] the model of the mark

Customer: [Malyshok] Aleksey (ororoshka)
Category: the 3d- graph
Budget: ? It is necessary to create 3[d] the model of mark, the file of.max (swing 8) texture for the relief of face I can retouch and grant at the output.http: / / / projects / 79301.html

To make a vector version of the logotype

Customer: Incognito Vladimir (vovanblk)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: 5 USD it is necessary to make into Corel a logotype in the style Of web 2.0. (see the fastened file) come out must approximately the same (or better), but in the vector form.http: / / / projects / 79264.html

The design of the site is necessary

Customer: Andreev Aleksey (sdelau-tochno)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary to make a design of site. All details with the conversation!http: / / / projects / 79287.html

Development of additions (2)

Customer: Maximov Dmitriy Sergeyevich (ks-fan)
Category: Figures/of illustration, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is collected the command of [patchmeykerov] (people, which know how to work with the file system of game, to sketch and so forth) they are required: Person, who works with [BD] of game FIFA, [Kitmeyker] (persons, who makes forms), [Feysmeyker] (persons, who makes the persons), and man, which can create automatic [instalyatsiyu] of [patchey]. To sketch all is not separately must. [Beretsya] of [fotka] and with it already [vedetsya] work.http: / / / projects / 74587.html

The clearly drawn banner is required

Customer: Gorelkov Of olexiy (extrim1303)
Category: Banners
Budget: ? Is required clearly [naresovanyy] banner!http: / / / projects / 79250.html

Main page

Customer: [Tokmakov] Dmitriy (f112)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 50 USD for the domain of to make the main page, similar to the main page as on the domain of the budget of *** of the dollarshttp: / / / projects / 79265.html

Banner for the Internet- store

Customer: [Semeno] [A].[I] (eskadra)
Category: Banners
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop the gif- banner of 468[kh]60http: / / / projects / 79279.html

Creation of logotype for the metallurgical company.

Customer: To [nenadoznat] Cyril (ASMRND)
Category: Logotypes, the design of the sites
Budget: to 250 USD is required the creation of logotype for the high(ly)-technological company of that occupying by the production of small quantities of experimental alloys for the needs of such [khay] it flowed the segments of such industries as automobile, aerospace, [bioimplanty]. They are obtained in essence by means of the electronically beam remelting. in [attache] form as this occurs inside the camera but it is not worthwhile on this to be recycled. Briefly - [khay] flowed metals. the site of the forerunner of this company subsequently is necessary development by [vtselom] of the image of new company 1. of website (redesign of existing) 2. of logo 3. of fax of sheet of morning coat \ envelopes. the total budget thus far not of [opredelen] it is final, where that between 250 and 500 for the beginning.http: / / / projects / 79300.html

To make a vector version of the logotype

Customer: Incognito Vladimir (vovanblk)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: 5 USD it is necessary to make into Corel a logotype in the style Of web 2.0. (see the fastened file) come out must approximately the same (or better), but in the vector form.http: / / / projects / 79264.html

Main page

Customer: [Tokmakov] Dmitriy (f112)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 50 USD for the domain of to make the main page, similar to the main page as on the domain of the budget of *** of the dollarshttp: / / / projects / 79265.html

The clearly drawn banner is required

Customer: Gorelkov Of olexiy (extrim1303)
Category: Banners
Budget: ? Is required clearly [naresovanyy] banner!http: / / / projects / 79250.html

Banner + Of [yuzerbary] - 2

Customer: Vlaimir (sibcom)
Category: Banners
Budget: (max. 2) of [yuzerbary] of 350*19 (max. 4) examples, price and periods we do not forget to indicate to 100 USD of the banner of 240*80 (max. 2. of flash), 88*31.http: / / / projects / 79244.html

Is necessary consultation on Shop-script

Customer: [Barzykin] Alexander (kydesnik07)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the design of the sites
Budget: ? I make now design for the site, which costs to Shop Of script `of e. will be man, which will stretch design to this site. In the theory I represent as to produce the editing of template, but I will better entrust the matter to professional, since script it made this never into [shop]. There is so a problem, which requires elimination. Is now necessary only consultation on the imposition of design, so that then there would be no problems with the adaptation of design. Design will be with the elements into [flesh] Of actionScript. [Stuchimsya] into [asku], contacts in the profile.http: / / / projects / 79237.html

Flesch is banner for the Tatu- store of 468[kh]100

Customer: Rough copy (krutomer)
Category: Banners
Budget: to 100 USD Of [trebuetya] to create Flesch banner for the store of Tatu equipment The essence of banner - special proposal on one of the goods of store, the arrangement of banner are planned on other site- advertising areas. I work on vm, payment after the assignment of finished banner without that prescribed in it url.http: / / / projects / 79240.html

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Morning coat

Customer: Duzvik (duzvik)
Category: Polygraphy
Budget: ? It is necessary to make a mock-up of morning coat the filling: - morning coat one side - the face side: symbolism, the name of organization, site, e-mailhttp: / / / projects / 79043.html

Creation of the diagram of the passage

Customer: To [ashkinadze] Aleksey [Grigorevich] (ashket)
Category: Figures/of the illustration
Budget: ? To create the beautiful diagram of passage, on the basis the mock-up, drawn by hand. Please diagrams - http: // map (2).jpg; http: // maps/yaroslavka.jpg and so forthhttp: / / / projects / 79033.html

Design and tuning the partner store of [otAllSoft

Customer: Poly-pike Andrey (bug100)
Category: Design of sites, the Web- programming
Budget: ? It is necessary to create design and to dispose the partner store of software. To [obedenit] design with the XML- file and to use a RSS- channel for the news.http: / / / projects / 79029.html

Free Of shipping

Customer: Bridge Alexander (loveandchic)
Category: External advertisement, the banners
Budget: 10 USD are required to create stretching - banner. Text: Free Of courier Of shipping of with Of purchase of over $200.00 is necessary the simply [ktasivaya], stylish picture of jpg.http: / / / projects / 79000.html

To change the size of 10000 photographs

Customer: Is rolling sea-scape (Lilya_K)
Category: Working the photographs
Budget: ? Work consists in making of photo from the rectangular size square. Other criterion for the final photographs: the size not more than 30Kb, in essence of *** Kb, is not more than 400*400 of points. Now near *** of photographs. Who can [avtomatizivarovat] this work make rapidly and qualitatively? How much this will cost?http: / / / projects / 78978.html

Development of web of the design of the site

Customer: Potters Vitalius (Vanderlin)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 150 USD it is necessary to develop design for the company, which is occupied by construction-assembly works. Basic direction - zero cycle (driving in of piles, foundation, base).http: / / / projects / 78981.html

Illustrations of the developments of the covers

Customer: Petrov Sergey (fotomaster)
Category: Figures/of illustration, polygraphy
Budget: to 1000 USD I search for artist for the performance of the illustrations of the developments of the covers of exhaust folders (diplomas) for the children's small gardens.http: / / / projects / 78983.html

Site on s

Customer: Dmitriy [Prinin] (ivpr)
Category: Web- programming, the design of the sites
Budget: ? I greet! There is s, on the basis this cursor it is necessary to make a site. 1. design, imposition 2. to transfer on by [yumi] I wait your periods and prices. If everything is formed, then it will necessary transfer 4 finished and already workers of site on the cursor shttp: / / / projects / 79013.html

To draw with 3d - model of house.

Customer: Smirnov Denis (Webincom)
Category: 3d- graph, the design of the interior
Budget: to 500 USD it is necessary on the model given to carry out visualization of cottage (to put the texture, which surrounds situation). We must obtain [iskhodnik] into 3d Maxe + [rendernye] images. We examine candidates, only [portfolio], with examples of their price policy and time of performance. After examination [portfolio] we send requirements and model for the acquaintance.http: / / / projects / 79016.html

To complete the site

Customer: Wolves Dmitriy (mauriadm)
Category: Design of sites, the HTML- imposition
Budget: to 500 USD site it is necessary to make as on the site an example the cursor Of melbis of shop the utilized colors white, gray, blue, green. icq of *** ninehttp: / / / projects / 79018.html

Creation of the design of the site of investment thematics.

Customer: [Svetlov] Andrey (Moltof)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 500 USD it is necessary to create qualitative design the Web site. I please proposals to leave only to studios. [T].[Z]. I will throw down in ICQ or [lichkuhttp: / / / projects / 79034.html

To change the size of 10000 photographs

Customer: Is rolling sea-scape (Lilya_K)
Category: Working the photographs
Budget: ? Work consists in making of photo from the rectangular size square. Other criterion for the final photographs: the size not more than 30Kb, in essence of *** Kb, is not more than 400*400 of points. Now near *** of photographs. Who can [avtomatizivarovat] this work make rapidly and qualitatively? How much this will cost?http: / / / projects / 78978.html

Free Of shipping

Customer: Bridge Alexander (loveandchic)
Category: External advertisement, the banners
Budget: 10 USD are required to create stretching - banner. Text: Free Of courier Of shipping of with Of purchase of over $200.00 is necessary the simply [ktasivaya], stylish picture of jpg.http: / / / projects / 79000.html

Creation of morning coat. Urgently!

Customer: [Faynzilber] Mikhail [Evgenevich] (yamayki)
Category: Design of the production
Budget: ? The very operational (in the course of day -two) creation of the mock-up of morning coat is required. Logotype and firm style exists. Write if you please immediately cost and reference to [portfolio].http: / / / projects / 78986.html

To draw with 3d - model of house.

Customer: Smirnov Denis (Webincom)
Category: 3d- graph, the design of the interior
Budget: to 500 USD it is necessary on the model given to carry out visualization of cottage (to put the texture, which surrounds situation). We must obtain [iskhodnik] into 3d Maxe + [rendernye] images. We examine candidates, only [portfolio], with examples of their price policy and time of performance. After examination [portfolio] we send requirements and model for the acquaintance.http: / / / projects / 79016.html

Site on s

Customer: Dmitriy [Prinin] (ivpr)
Category: Web- programming, the design of the sites
Budget: ? I greet! There is s, on the basis this cursor it is necessary to make a site. 1. design, imposition 2. to transfer on by [yumi] I wait your periods and prices. If everything is formed, then it will necessary transfer 4 finished and already workers of site on the cursor shttp: / / / projects / 79013.html

Illustrations of the developments of the covers

Customer: Petrov Sergey (fotomaster)
Category: Figures/of illustration, polygraphy
Budget: to 1000 USD I search for artist for the performance of the illustrations of the developments of the covers of exhaust folders (diplomas) for the children's small gardens.http: / / / projects / 78983.html

Development of web- design.

Customer: Mironov Xenia (sveta32)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary to develop design for the company, which is occupied by design, building of fountains, ponds and saunas. Technical task and the diagram of project is located. From you [portfolio].http: / / / projects / 78952.html

Design under the entertaining portal

Customer: White Alexander (E1ekTro)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 100 USD is required the design for the site on the cursor DLE after the details into icq, ***http: / / / projects / 78972.html

Development of web of the design of the site

Customer: Potters Vitalius (Vanderlin)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 150 USD it is necessary to develop design for the company, which is occupied by construction-assembly works. Basic direction - zero cycle (driving in of piles, foundation, base).http: / / / projects / 78981.html

To complete the site

Customer: Wolves Dmitriy (mauriadm)
Category: Design of sites, the HTML- imposition
Budget: to 500 USD site it is necessary to make as on the site an example the cursor Of melbis of shop the utilized colors white, gray, blue, green. icq of *** ninehttp: / / / projects / 79018.html

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Morning coats for the activists of the site

Customer: Anton Alexandrovich (yits)
Category: Polygraphy
Budget: to 50 USD is required the template of morning coats for the activists of the site of http: // the formulation of morning coats in the style of the design of site I wait proposals period - price. Without examples similar executed works - not to disturb.http: / / / projects / 78785.html

Pocket [kalendariki] in 2009

Customer: Anton Alexandrovich (yits)
Category: Polygraphy
Budget: to 50 USD are required pocket [kalendariki] 2009 executed in the style of the design of the site of http: // I wait proposals period - price. Without examples similar executed works - not to disturb.http: / / / projects / 78786.html

Creation of template under Joomla 1.5

Customer: Nikon Dmitriys (nikonovdv)
Category: Design of sites, the HTML- imposition
Budget: 70 USD the thematics of site materials for the road building and the improvement. Is necessary template under Joomla 1.5 colorful, [otrisovannaya] cap in the green colors. Variable width of template.http: / / / projects / 78774.html

[Ikonki] of statuses of the type of [kvipa

Customer: To [tvere] Ekaterina (Iraidk)
Category: Pixel -[art]/Of [ikonki]
Budget: to 250 USD are required to urgently [otrisovat] 15 [ikonok] of statuses of the type Of [kvipovskikh] and [asechnykh] in the style of [fentezi]. size of 20 on 20 those desiring I please to knock into [asku] - ***http: / / / projects / 78766.html

[Ikonki] of statuses of the type of [kvipa

Customer: To [tvere] Ekaterina (Iraidk)
Category: Pixel -[art]/Of [ikonki]
Budget: to 250 USD are required to urgently [otrisovat] 15 [ikonok] of statuses of the type Of [kvipovskikh] and [asechnykh] in the style of [fentezi]. size of 20 on 20 those desiring I please to knock into [asku] - ***http: / / / projects / 78766.html

To make 3[d] ravine site

Customer: Alexander [Eduardovich] (screamhome)
Category: Logotypes, the 3d- graph
Budget: 15 USD the board of the free declarations of http: // to the left above must be made in the size as next to [ikonkami]. near the contacts, [rss], map of site. type it is possible to change text to leave by the same color in two forms 1. as now the blue and orange 2. only blue in the fastened file example to another [ikonkihttp: / / / projects / 78756.html

Design of the site of the avia

Customer: Arthur Arthur (zarabotok)
Category: Design of sites, the logotypes
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make a design of the site of the avia of transportation.http: / / / projects / 78759.html

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

To [otrisovat] family in the high resolution

Customer: Maar Natasha (maar)
Category: Figures/of the illustration
Budget: to 50 USD To [otrisovat] family in the high resolution for the external advertisement (picture in the application). I do not know in what graphic editor this can be made (Corel, 3d and [td]), but it is necessary in order to, figure was high quality compared with the photo.http: / / / projects / 78752.html

Creation of banner for the site

Customer: [Panekin] Nikolai (Reflector)
Category: Banners
Budget: 7 USD it is necessary to develop original banner for the site of multimedia portal. Requirements: - the size of 120x60; - the size of gif; - banner must contain animation and attract attention of the visitors (but not excessively). Reference to the site, for which it is necessary to develop the banner: http: // One ought not to make banners similar to this: http: // payment through WebMoney for the fact of the fulfillment of work.http: / / / projects / 78740.html

Creation of the design for the site of the news

Customer: Garykaviy Of andrey (avdrey)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to create the design for the site of the news. http: // site of [razrabotant] on CMS Of danneo as the basis it is possible to take finished template. Before will created design it must being made [skrinshot] as will be appear site. Design must be made stretching so that in any browser it would be normal. Design must have a structure. you look [skrinhttp: / / / projects / 78714.html

To replace animation ravine to flash.

Customer: [Kevkhiev] Alexander (WMDrakon)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? There is a cursor Of webAsyst, in it one is template. It is necessary entire cap in the template to replace by flash. Flash has already been located, it is simply necessary competently to put. Who worked from SS or WebAsyst to that it will not compose complexity to make. Here is the site: 45mm.ruhttp: / / / projects / 78715.html

Background, inscription, photo are the element

Customer: [Silichenko] Anton (Able2Know)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? Technical task into the application before writing read [t]3http: / / / projects / 78720.html

To create logotype for the site in the form of the crown

Customer: Dan Of dan (Dan_L)
Category: Logotypes, the figures/of the illustration
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to create logotype for the site. Logotype must correspond to the name of site - crown-space and to be in the form crown. The logotype (but it will be basic accent in the design of site) it must create the sensation of space, in which the user feels itself stylish, fashionable, [glamurnym]. Colors must be juicy, attractive and bright. Examples of the color range of crowns - in the application. P.S.[Dopolnitelnym] plus will be the fulfillment of logotype in the stylistics of web2.0.http: / / / projects / 78717.html

Design of site (to beginning designers)

Customer: Vitallium (vitasik)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? Is necessary design for the site the site: to 3d models lessons and the like (all according to 3d drawings) standard structure (left block, center for [kontenta], right block well it is understood cap and basement) design will be placed on the cursor DLE 7.2 (to compose from you it is not required) project not commercial therefore much to pay I cannot ideally it will approach for the beginning designers it will what add into [partfolio], obtain a good opinion and a little earn extra money. We leave our periods and prices to write either here or in [LShttp: / / / projects / 78719.html

Creation of the design for the site of the news

Customer: Garykaviy Of andrey (avdrey)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to create the design for the site of the news. http: // site of [razrabotant] on CMS Of danneo as the basis it is possible to take finished template. Before will created design it must being made [skrinshot] as will be appear site. Design must be made stretching so that in any browser it would be normal. Design must have a structure. you look [skrinhttp: / / / projects / 78714.html

To replace animation ravine to flash.

Customer: [Kevkhiev] Alexander (WMDrakon)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? There is a cursor Of webAsyst, in it one is template. It is necessary entire cap in the template to replace by flash. Flash has already been located, it is simply necessary competently to put. Who worked from SS or WebAsyst to that it will not compose complexity to make. Here is the site: 45mm.ruhttp: / / / projects / 78715.html

Background, inscription, photo are the element

Customer: [Silichenko] Anton (Able2Know)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? Technical task into the application before writing read [t]3http: / / / projects / 78720.html

To create logotype for the site in the form of the crown

Customer: Dan Of dan (Dan_L)
Category: Logotypes, the figures/of the illustration
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to create logotype for the site. Logotype must correspond to the name of site - crown-space and to be in the form crown. The logotype (but it will be basic accent in the design of site) it must create the sensation of space, in which the user feels itself stylish, fashionable, [glamurnym]. Colors must be juicy, attractive and bright. Examples of the color range of crowns - in the application. P.S.[Dopolnitelnym] plus will be the fulfillment of logotype in the stylistics of web2.0.http: / / / projects / 78717.html

Design of site (to beginning designers)

Customer: Vitallium (vitasik)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? Is necessary design for the site the site: to 3d models lessons and the like (all according to 3d drawings) standard structure (left block, center for [kontenta], right block well it is understood cap and basement) design will be placed on the cursor DLE 7.2 (to compose from you it is not required) project not commercial therefore much to pay I cannot ideally it will approach for the beginning designers it will what add into [partfolio], obtain a good opinion and a little earn extra money. We leave our periods and prices to write either here or in [LShttp: / / / projects / 78719.html

Designer filling of pages, the creation of the banners

Customer: [Karina] Of [gabrielyan] (east98)
Category: Design of sites, the banners
Budget: ? The finishing operation of the site before the appearance from the point of view of the designer filling of some pages in the style of the already existing design is necessary. Creation of the 2nd banners for the site. And the very basic- to help customer to be dismantled at the possibilities of the editing of site on CMS Of siteEdit (, to namely demonstrate these possibilities in the office of customer in Moscow; therefore work not for very remote [frilanserov]. To be connected on telephone (495) of ***, *** with The [karinoy] or to ***http: / / / projects / 78688.html

Design of the simple of the site- morning coat

Customer: [Karina] Of [gabrielyan] (east98)
Category: Design of sites, the banners
Budget: ? The finishing operation of the site before the appearance from the point of view of the designer filling of some pages in the style of the already existing design is necessary. Creation of the 2nd banners for the site. And the very basic- to help customer to be dismantled at the possibilities of the editing of site on CMS Of siteEdit (, to namely demonstrate these possibilities in the office of customer in Moscow; therefore work not for very remote [frilanserov]. To be connected on telephone (495) of ***, *** with The [karinoy] or to ***http: / / / projects / 78688.html

Monday, October 27, 2008

Design the Internet store. Only template. There are TZ.

Customer: Forty Ian (no8xis)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? Subject design is necessary. I.e., [nenavyazchivyy], that is suitable for the store, but also [sootvestvuyushchiy] to thematics. Theme is sale of video- lessons for entire spectrum of the themes: sport, [fitnes] computers the building of [remonot] dances pick-up and TP i.e., idea into the transfers of the overall meaning of video- instruction, but not [opredelennoy] theme.http: / / / projects / 78461.html

Modification of the design

Customer: Bubnov Andrey (anderson11)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? It is necessary to finish the design of site. Details with the personal contact. It is necessary to revive the designhttp: / / / projects / 78462.html

Design of the site

Customer: [Kamsarakan] Anna (Annakms)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop the design of site on sale of small technology ([mob]. telephones, cameras and so forth)http: / / / projects / 78419.html

Design of site (Euro level)

Customer: Novices Eugene (virtamour)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 400 USD the creation of the design of the Internet- store of that selling stylish toys for the adult! any lewdness is sensitive [glamura]! [Vprintsipe] is a finished design of main [starnitsy] (concept) which pleases customer. There are two versions of the work: either to complete the existing design and on basis to make all [podstranitsy] or to take for the basis the [imebshchiysya] design its concept and to model that its! I wait concrete [predozheniy] to *** only with the work experience, only confident in itself!http: / / / projects / 78411.html

It is necessary to make the vector design

Customer: German (gerasim)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? Good day! I search for man of that knowing how to make vector images. It is necessary to make images for the children's the Internet the store of clothing. For the connection of icq of *** or [skayp]: germagen washed; ***http: / / / projects / 78381.html

It is necessary to improve the design of the site

Customer: Markov Vasiliy (Dj3000)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 15 USD strictly of [sabzh]. There is a sketch. It is necessary it to somehow [ulushit]. To add some of beautiful drawing into the formulation so that it would look more stylish and more contemporary and not it is so angular as now (cap is not thus far prepared - it will be other - for [skrine] simply picture it put). I wait your proposals. --- IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO PROPOSE TO MAKE A NEW DESIGN. IT IS NECESSARY TO IMPROVE DATA!!! --- proposals are hidden.http: / / / projects / 78382.html

Design of site for 30 hours

Customer: [Manuylov] Nikolai (Manuylov)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: ? The design of site is necessary, is [t].[z]. and [narabotanna] the basic concept of mock-up. [Dedlayn]: 28.10.08 evening. Advance: Conveniently. Remaining payment for fact.http: / / / projects / 78378.html

Logotype of company for lease the specials-technician

Customer: [Nemov] Alexander (softpop)
Category: Logotypes
Budget: to 50 USD how do you do! It is necessary to urgently prepare the logotype of company, which carries out lease specials-technician. Period is 1 day! From you cost and examples of works. *** of rubles.http: / / / projects / 78370.html

Log for web-application

Customer: Roman Of peskin (romanpeskin)
Category: Logotypes, the firm style
Budget: to 1000 USD Log for web-application and associated [marktingovykh] materials, including version for the press of pamphlets. Thematics - analyst of the trends of market and forecasts. Audience - USA. Style - Web 2.0 - gradients, vitreousness etcetera. It is necessary to create masterpiece. Both in the plan of thought and graphic performance.http: / / / projects / 78356.html

Adaptation of template 2

Customer: Tarapakina Of yekaterina (tkaty)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: 20 USD it is given: [iskhodnik] of [templeyta] of [neobkh]: to adapt under the customerhttp: / / / projects / 78358.html

Change in the style of the forum

Customer: Brunlo Of laruso (SH8)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to change the style of forum. TorrentPier+phpBB. Standard style is there established, I should change him to its style.http: / / / projects / 78349.html

Visualization of the project of the habitable complex

Customer: [Zaretskiy] Sergey (luxon)
Category: 3d- graph, the design of the interior
Budget: ? There is a project of the reconstruction of former kindergarten into the habitable complex into ArhiCad. It is necessary to finish it: To alter roofing into the valuable [mansardnyy] floor, to finish exterior view and improvement of territory. For the presentation of project to potential inhabitants. Periods are compressed.http: / / / projects / 78352.html

[Otrisovka] of mock-up from the jpg- picture

Customer: Yakovlev Julia (JuliettaS)
Category: Design of the production
Budget: ? Is necessary the vector mock-up of scarf (in the curves), analogous to scanning file, with the retention of gradient fillings. The period of [otrisovki] - today, it is desirable to 13.00. P.S is jpg-[iskhodnik] of the best quality, I will send by [meylom].http: / / / projects / 78344.html

10 [ikonok] in the united style

Customer: [Korkin] Sergey [Viktorovich] (SergeyKorkin)
Category: Pixel -[art]/[Ikonki], the figures/of the illustration
Budget: ? There are 10 pictures of virtual gifts. It is necessary to make them in the united style. In the investment gifts themselves.http: / / / projects / 78347.html

Modification of the design of the site

Customer: Ahura Of mazda (ahura_mazda)
Category: Design of sites, the pixel -[art]/Of [ikonki]
Budget: ? It is necessary to finish the design of the site: for [ikonki] to draw, telephones to add and so forth period - today.http: / / / projects / 78337.html

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Program on [razbrevnovke

Customer: [Byshenko] Sergey (tatarstan)
Category: the 3d- graph
Budget: ? Is required the creation of 3[d] of model in this program and the automatic derivation of the parameters of the house (length of the logs, where the cup and grooves)http: / / / projects / 78318.html

Design of the Internet- store

Customer: [Krasnoshchekov] Alexander (Ales-Kras)
Category: Design of sites, Flash
Budget: ? [Nuzheny] three templates of pages for the Internet -[magashchina] on [shopskripte] (main thing, information, the catalog of goods). Competently, it is professional, in the corporate style. With the small, but the [privekatelnoy] [fleshkoy] in the cap site. Your of [prelozheniya]?http: / / / projects / 78316.html

From the honeycomb to the map from gps.

Customer: Bymerang (bymerang)
Category: Applications for PDA/Of pocketPC, the design of the sites
Budget: ? I will explain as to me this necessarily, you say as better to make:). 1. is necessary the program to the honeycomb, PDA and so forth from gps, which will with the pressure on [knopochku] through gprs transmit data about location and automatically note on the map and vice versa (with the pushing of another knob to remove). 2. to realize this map on the site. Who interests it can this make, periods, cost. Prices are real.http: / / / projects / 78317.html

To stretch template to [vordpress

Customer: Julia [Murtazina] (clio)
Category: The design of sites, is other
Budget: 30 USD urgently are required to competently stretch template to [vordpress].http: / / / projects / 78301.html

Design of the template of the cursor

Customer: There is work (awaiter)
Category: Design of the sites
Budget: to 250 USD to develop general design and formulation for [vebsayta] in the style [tekhno], hi-tech. Is [aypi] where it is conducted development. It is necessary to shape the templates of the cursor of Internet- store in proportion to the development of site. To begin from the main page.http: / / / projects / 78294.html

To create mock-up on the basis of picture + the logotype

Customer: Petrov Cyril (ArikChan)
Category: Design of sites, the logotypes
Budget: 40 USD we take the [umenshenyy] form of mock-up, in the flat mode. There is a cap into the overall size (flat). It is necessary to lead all this to PSD to size with the text. Something it is necessary to draw, but the style of very simple. [Artov] there is no generally, only border etcetera. It is necessary to accurately select the styles of texts. The initial file of the background, from which are made all backgrounds on the page it is applied. Payment Of webmoney.http: / / / projects / 78271.html