Monday, September 29, 2008

Firm style for the furniture company

Customer: Pushkarev Aleksey (aspush) the category: Firm style is the
budget: to 1000 usd it is necessary to develop logotype, also, on its
basis the following components of style: - the morning coat (size
90x53, corporate and personal - general template to one person); -
firm form (size A4, 1 form); - the form of fax; - the form of
electronic letter; - envelope (large of size A4, small of the size Of
s'shch of "Euro-"); - booklet (large, small, seam); - the
prezentatsionnaya folder; - the formulation of firm automobiles
(gazel', Peugeot partner). Furthermore it is necessary to select -
firm colors; - firm type (size TTF). First payment with 50% after the
confirmation of the fact of the beginning of the works on the logotype
- assignment of the mock-ups/billets/chegolibo of that damaged with
the aqueous signshttp: / / / projects / 73747.html

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