Sunday, October 19, 2008

The presentation is necessary

Customer: Petrov Aleksey (qqqwwweee)
Category: Flash, the 3d- graph
Budget: ? Presentation is necessary. Means of the realization: 3dMax, Flash, gif- animation - to the selection are the presentation: The form of planet the Earth from space - > approximation - > is seen to [teritoriyu] Of [evropy]-> of [priblizhenie]-> of [teritoriya] Of [ukrainy]-> of [priblizhenie]-> on the map of the Ukraine it is seen Kiev and still several points. The pointers crawl from Kiev to these points. Purpose of the presentation: it will be used with the report. Periods of the fulfillment: to 22.10.08 budget of the project: contractual unfortunately, on the site to check of communication I cannot, request be turned on the following contacts: e-mail: to aleks_charkov@mail.[ru] of icq: *** The telephone: +38-093-922-66-59http: / / / projects / 77003.html

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