Sunday, December 14, 2008

[Animirovannyy] banner

Customer: Vladislav [Sautov] (Vladio)
Category: Banners
Budget: ? How do you do. Is necessary the [animirovannyy] banner of the size of 468 X 60 (gif or flash to the selection of executor). Thematics is electronic business. On the whole of 5 personnel, it is beautiful, it is laconic, it is understandable, it is contemporary. Conditions: 1. into [lichku] do not write. 2. period (greatly it does not burn, but to involve not necessary) to the selection of executor. 3. payment to the selection of the executor ([predoplata], electronic pay systems and so forth you better me this you know) I wait your proposals comrades.http: / / / projects / 86791.html

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