Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Development of unique skinov for qip (7)

Customer: Tsygankova Anna (infodesign) The category: Other, The
figures/Of illustration The budget: ? It is necessary to develop about
20 skinov for qip to order. Requirements for the works: accuracy a
feeling of measure a feeling of humor I will examine proposals about
the purchase of finished skinov on the moderate prices. Coordinates
for the connection: *** of *** the suppositional list of the themes:
Winter is spring summer - 1 autumn kittens, the cat of the trigger of
the pony of the horsie of machine formula 1 beer - 1 football Schrek
the lord of the rings of emo - not the ostrich Of serdechki Of
simpsony - 1 can propose your themes. Price - $20 for skin. Articles
on the theme: http: // http:
// poppy... http:
// http:
// http:
// the resource file http:
// as to make beautiful skrinshot
http: // / / / projects / 47772.html

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