Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Flyer - advertisement of the site of mobile kontenta!

Customer: Slipchenko Philipp Mikhaylovich (GSMtricks) The category:
Polygraphy, The figures/Of illustration The budget: ? It is necessary
to develop Flyer -rekalamku bilateral colored - advertising the site
of mobile kontenta and its services as a whole. That I give 4: - size
- adress of site - the enumeration of services on which it is
necessary to make an incline from you: - development and imposition
for the press - competent and intraktivnoye performance - independent
thinking and the possibility to propose our vision - on the first side
all major portions of the site we advertise, on the second let us
derive specific kontent which it proadetsya on sms for two operetorov.
There are many examples in the periodicals of similar. The size of
morning coat (90x50) Polnotsvethttp: / / / projects / 73034.html

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