Monday, November 3, 2008

Banners for the catalog of the sites are necessary

Customer: [Sergievskiy] Leonid (zaistinu)
Category: Banners
Budget: ? How do you do. For the site of http: // necessary 1) the button of 88[kh]31 [animirovannyy] gif, 15 KB max. 2) the banner of 100[kh]100 [animirovannyy] of hyphae, 20 KB max. 3) the banner of 468[kh]60 [animirovannyy] of hyphae, 25 KB max. I please to devise the beautiful [animirovannyy] design. Write ideas immediately. Whose idea will be better - I will work with the fact. I will not examine proposals without the ideas. WRITE IMMEDIATELY PRICE.http: / / / projects / 79661.html

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