Sunday, September 21, 2008

Graphic part for the project "model of city"

Customer: Moskalenko Sergey (bypas) the category: 3d- graph The
budget: to *** USD the three-dimensional model of city is 3d map built
on the basis of geo-given, with the active objects, where the layers
of data of different urban structures are brought, geodetic,
communication, structure, green cultivations and so forth. technically
these are three-level architecture thin kliyent(.eD of render) - the
server of prilozheniy(raschety, the distribution of objects, the
output of information on the objects) - server To bD(gde all this are
stored) it is necessary to finish graphic part the description to the
graphic part of http: // is required
programmer 3D of drawing of the requirement: Delphi, OpenGL, GLScene,
sheydery, graphic algorithms I will examine proposals only with
examples of the works of *** ICQ=164015792http: / / / projects / 72406.html

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